鈴木 雅也
Masaya Suzuki
People’s values and lifestyles change quickly, but we believe that the instinctive human senses have not changed since ancient times. That is why we aim to create homes that everyone can relate to and that will not become old-fashioned with the changing times. What is important for this is the design of invisible elements such as light, wind, smell, sound, and temperature. We believe that a simple house that is pleasing to the senses and without being eccentric will give a quiet color to our lives and will be loved for a long time.
Born in Matsudo Chiba,Japan
Graduated from Department of Urban Environmental Systems,
Faculty of Engineering,
Chiba University.
Hideki Kobayashi Laboratory
Kyoto University of Art and Design.
Completed Architectural Design,
Environmental Design Field
Yasushi Horibe Studio
Yasushi Horibe Architects & Associates
Established Masaya Suzuki Architects
一級建築士 第348026号
First Class Registered Architect No. 348026
東京建築士会 正会員 No.2200112
Tokyo Society of Architects No. 2200112
中央工学校 非常勤講師(2020-2023年)
Lecturer, Chuo College of Technology (2020-2023)
Participating architect of MADE BY ARCHITECT
・Chiba Architecture graduate’s Prize Special Jury Prize + Special Prize
・ARCHIBAU Award 2009
・Graduation Design Grand Prize
-The Possibility of City and Architecture in the Lack of Vision-
Grand Prize for Graduation Design (Horibe Yasushi Prize)
「Longing for a place to stay」
-Primitive living space derived from the elements of perception-
「五香の福祉施設 -ありすの家-」
Matsudo City Landscape Award Encouragement Prize
「Welfare Facility in Goko」
Masaya Suzuki Architects
〒270-2242 千葉県松戸市仲井町1-99-3
1-99-3 Nakaicho, Matsudo, Chiba , Japan
Tell. 047-710-7537
一級建築士事務所 千葉県知事登録 第1-2408-9100号
First Class Registered Architect Office
Chiba No.1-2408-9100
建築士賠償責任保険 登録
Registered with Architects Liability Insurance
業務内容 Business Activities:
1. 住宅、別荘、店舗、各種施設などの計画・設計・監理
Planning, design, and supervision of houses, villas, stores, and various facilities
2. 各種リノベーションの計画・設計・監理
Planning, design, and supervision of various renovations
3. ランドスケープデザイン、プロダクトデザイン
Landscape design, Product design
4. 上記に付帯する一切の業務
Any and all work incidental to the above
Planning Flow is here
関係協力者 Related collaborators:
・ Web Design 高階 瞬 Shun Takashina